About us

Jacinto Convit World Organization (JCWO) is a 501(c)(3) public charity incorporated in 2014 in the state of California, whose mission is provide free access to modern diagnostics and innovative treatments to those who need it most, while training new generations of professionals. JCWO focal points are research and diagnostic testing of illnesses, as well as the development of new professionals via three high impact programs: Cancer Immunotherapy, Molecular Diagnostics and Internship.


Our philosophy is based on Doctor Convit’s values and humanistic approach to life as a whole. The desire to help the most vulnerable, be useful to others and work to build a stronger society, are some of the ideals that have inspired JCWO since its inception. As firm believers that science and education are fundamental for the development of nations, we focus on giving patients equitable access to modern diagnostics and innovative treatments, as well as learning opportunities for students.

We promote these ideals every day through our work with every counterpart and beneficiary.


  • Promote Doctor Convit’s scientific and human legacy throughout the world
  • Execute clinical trials using ConvitVax, with the aim of making this low-cost, potentially effective and personalized treatment available to patients who cannot access high-cost therapies
  • Improve the quality of life and survival rate of patients in poor developing countries by giving them access to health related services and treatments
  • Provide students and professionals training opportunities and participation in highly challenging projects in various fields
  • Build international collaborative networks to perform new research and educational projects that increase JCWO´s impact in communities

For more information on the organization, see JCWO’s Annual reports and Financials.

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