Our Team

Dr. Jeismar Carballo
Chief Coordinator
Obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Universidad Central de Venezuela, and received an honorable mention for her thesis. Following that, she completed her PhD in Biological Science at Universidad Simón Bolívar in Venezuela, with honors in her doctoral thesis. During her doctoral studies, her research was focused on: “The effect of the factors released by the peripheral nerves of rat, in the differentiation of neuronal cells and the regeneration of sciatic nerves of rats” and “The neuroprotective effect of Neuregulin-1 in mice, after an ischemic stroke”. Dr. Carballo was Researcher III in FJC during 2018. Afterwards was transferred and appointed Scientific Officer for JCWO, a position held for 8 months, later being promoted to Project Coordinator, a position held for 2.5 years.
Her past experience includes working as a researcher in the Neurosciences Unit of Instituto de Estudios Avanzados for 8 years, focusing on the process of the nervous system regeneration. Dr. Carballo obtained a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for one (1) year, to carry out part of a research project at the Essen University Hospital-Germany, on the evaluation of drugs after an ischemic stroke. She has participated in several training and scientific events, both national and international. She is the main author of various publications in indexed journals. Today, she holds the position of Chief Coordinator in JCWO and is responsible for the general management of the organization, coordinating and supervising all areas, networking efforts, fundraising, alliances, and program development.
Contact: jeismar.m.carballo@jacintoconvit.org